Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Shakira on Philantrophy

Maybe most of you known Shakira as one of the greatest Latin American singer ever but most of you may not know her as an activist. BAREFOOT FOUNDATION In 1997 at the young age of 20, Shakira founded the â€Å"Pies Descalzos† (â€Å"Barefoot†) foundation, after the great success of her record â€Å"Pies Descalzos†, in order to help Colombian poor children not only to get an appropriated education, but to be healthy and nourished. She says that the children are the future of every country, especially in Latin America, so we should give them all the tools they need to succeed in life.On 2003 Shakira and the ex Chancellor and ex education Minister Maria Emma Mejia started to work together and Maria assume the Executive President of the Barefoot Foundation. The Foundation moved from Barranquilla to Bogota and began working on a massive program of nutrition for children from disadvantaged areas and displaced communities in Colombia On 2004 the foundation began the cons truction of the first educational institution which provided attention to 1565 children; also they opened offices on Quibdo. Now they give psychosocial help.On 2006 it was made the ‘First Strategic Plan 2006 – 2008', whose main goal is the comprehensive care of children on vulnerable areas or displacement areas. They made the educational intervention strategy stronger which care about of 3,072 children and young people. Also it strengthens the comprehensive model of community development center, taking care to 10,500 people around. Because this foundation not only care about children but care about their families since they're the people that spend more time with them and so if they're fine, the children would be too.That year, 52 000 people donated money, which raised $15 000. The second building of School District Las Americas is constructed in Barranquilla, with the support of European foundations. Om 2008 it elaborates the ‘II Strategic Plan for the triennium 2009 – 2011', whose mission is to implement a model of quality public and private assistance support. So far the Barefoot Foundation has built 4 schools on 3 different cities of Colombia that are: Barranquilla, Quibdo, and Altos de Cazuca.Their new challenge is to build schools in Cartagena also implement a project which is concern about the people there and the environment. BARRANQUILLA * Educational Institute of the Americas The Barefoot Foundation began its work there in 2004 and through several programs now helps 680 children, young people, and their community * Educational Institution Barefoot Foundation- Township La Playa This Public School, was built and opened in 2009 and now helps 1469 children, youth and the community there. QuibdoEducational Institution Barefoot Maria Berchmans The Barefoot Foundation began its work in 2004 and through several projects now helps 1225 children, young people and people of the area. There they help displaced families from the tragedy of Bojaya. Altos de Cazuca Gabriel Garcia Marquez Educational Institution Located in the commune of 4 de Altos de Cazuca in Soacha, where most of the victims of displacement and high levels of poverty are settled , from Boyaca, Santander, Cundinamarca, Tolima, Huila, the Pacific Coast and the Eastern Plains.The Barefoot Foundation supports this Public School since 2005 and through various educational projects now serves 1340 children and young people and 814 families in the sector THE LAST SCHOOL WAS BUILT THANKS TO CONTRIBUTIONS BY DONORS LIKE SHAKIRA, THROUGH PROCEEDS FROM HER 2006 BARRANQUILLA CONCERT, AND CONTRIBUTORS LIKE THE HOWARD BUFFET FOUNDATION, THE GERMAN TELEVISION NETWORK RTLTV, THE CITY OF MADRID, HARD ROCK CAFE AND SEAT. Pies Descalzos Programs If I eat well, I will learn morePies Descalzos Foundation believes that if children are hungry, not nourished or unhealthy they can’t pay attention in class and they feel weak or lazy, so the foundation have this progra m in order to reduce malnutrition and encourages a healthy life so the kids improve their learning If I learn more, I can be more Good spaces for children to be educated are important since they feel comfortable, that’s why Pies Descalzos has implement with great equipment on its schools so children are able to have the tools they need to have a quality educationIf I smile more, I can achieve more Bad experiences can give children terrible traumas. Through this program Pies Descalzos help children who have been victims of violence, not just to overcome a trauma but also to help them adjusting to the school setting. So they use art, music and any kind of assistance like psychological to support them and their families Family income Most of the children Pies Descalzos help have to work because they are alone and they need to survive or just because their parents haven’t enough money to maintain the family.That’s why this program is very important, since Pies Desca lzos provides economic opportunities for the families, so the children don’t work anymore and go to school. This program helps build projects that benefit children and their families. Sponsor a Child You can be a monthly sponsor of a kid, called a â€Å"Godparent† so you can help a Colombian child receive an education, uniforms, books, nutritious food, recreational activities and homework support while also letting him or her know that they matter. UNICEF After being working for 5 years on her barefoot foundation, Shakira was named goodwill ambassador for UNICEF

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